pvscan command line utility and its examples

This command is used to scan for LVM physical volumes on a Linux systems. Generally used to detect if any new or missing physical volumes on the system, also to display information about the existing physical volumes.

  • About pvscan: To scan all disks for physical volumes
  • Comes From : lvm-x.xx.xx
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /sbin/pvscan


1. To scan all disks for physical volumes

# pvscan

2. To Only show physical volumes belonging to exported volume groups

# pvscan -e
# pvscan –exported

3. To only show physical volumes not belonging to any volume group

# pvscan -n
# pvscan –novolumegroup

4. To short listing format

# pvscan -s
# pvscan –short

5. To Show UUIDs in addition to device special names

# pvscan -u
# pvscan –uuid

6. To set to verbose mode

# pvscan -v
# pvscan –verbose

7. To get the pvscan version

# pvscan –version

Related Commands: lvm, pvcreate, pvdisplay

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