how to use pvdisplay command with its examples

Used to display detailed information about physical volumes on a Linux system. Which provides detailed information about each PV, which includes size, physical extents, allocation policies, and more.

  • About pvdisplay: To display attributes of a physical volume
  • Comes From: lvm-x.x.x package
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /sbin/pvdisplay


1. To display the physical volume information

# pvdisplay

2. To only display the size of the physical volumes

# pvdisplay -s
# pvdisplay –short

3. To generate colon separated output

# pvdisplay -c
# pvdisplay –colon

4. To display the mapping of physical extents to logical volumes

# pvdisplay -m
# pvdisplay –maps

5. To Display output in columns, the equivalent of pvs

# pvdisplay -C
# pvdisplay –columns

6. To display the output in specified units

# pvdisplay –units hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE

7. To display the information for a particular PV

# pvdisplay /dev/sda2

Related Commands: lvm, pvcreate, lvcreate, vgcreate

pvdisplay command not found

If you receive the message as “pvdisplay command not found”, that simply means the “lvm2.x.x.x” package is missing from the system. Please follow below details to get the package installed and make pvdisplay available.

OS VersionCommand to install
RedHat / CentOS / Fedorayum install lvm2
Debian / Ubuntu / Kubuntuapt install lvm2

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