Linux crontab examples

– Its a utility that allows you to run specific job at regular specified interval.

– It is mostly used and trusted scheduling utility in Linux/UNIX environment.

– We have covered almost all the examples here.


# crontab -eu mike

* * * * * /bin/echo “Hello”

          # chkconfig crond on

          # service crond restart

– To see crontab

          # crontab -lu mike
          # crontab -l

– To stop scheduler for all users

          # chkconfig crond off
          # service crond stop

– To stop scheduler for particular user

          # crontab -eu mike

– To remove the crontab

          # crontab -r

– To display last time edited

          # crontab -v    

min     hour     day of month        mount         day of week
 M         H              D                M                  D

– To disable the crontab emails, add following line at last of crontab entry

                    >/dev/null 2>&1

– For every minute
                * * * * * /echo/bin

– For every hour
                0 * * * * /echo/bin

– For every day
                0 0 * * * /echo/bin

– For every month
                0 0 1 * * /echo/bin

– For every Monday
                0 0 1 1 1 /echo/bin

– For every 5 minute
                */5 * * * * /echo/bin

– For every 2 hours
                0 */2 * * * /echo/bin

– For every alternate day
                0 0 */2 * * /echo/bin

– For every alternate month
                0 0 1 */2 * /echo/bin

– Daily at 9AM, 12PM, 3PM
                0 9,12,15 * * * /echo/bin

– On 4th, 10th and 12th of every month
                0 0 4,10,12 * * /echo/bin

– In Feb and March only
                0 0 1 2,3 * /echo/bin

– On Monday, Tuesday only
                0 0 * * 1,3 /echo/bin

– For every 10 to 15 minutes
                10-15 0 * * * /echo/bin

– For within working hours
                0 9-17 * * * /echo/bin

– For 15 to 15th of the month
                0 0 15-25 * * /echo/bin

– For June to November of the year
                0 0 * 6-11 * /echo/bin

– For every working days
                0 0 * * 1-5 /echo/bin

– For the mentioned timing “11:00 AM 27June 2013”
                0 11 27 6 * /echo/bin

– Two times a day
                0 11,20 27 6 * /echo/bin

– On weekdays
                0 11 27 6 1-5 /echo/bin

– On working hours
                0 10-17 27 6 * /echo/bin

– At mid night everyday
                0 0 * * * /echo/bin

– Every 1st of month, at mid night
                0 0 1 * * /echo/bin

– On every Monday, at 12 noon
                0 12 * * 1 /echo/bin

– After every 15 days at mid night
                0 0 27 * * /echo/bin

– For every 10 minutes, disk space
                */10 * * * * /check_disk_space

– After every reboot
                @reboot /disk_space_check

– After every year
                @yearly /echo/bin

– After every day
                @daily /echo/bin

– After every hour
                @hourly /echo/bin

– You can use the notification, by using “notify-send”
                0 11 27 6 * /echo/bin notify-send “Backup completed”

– Can use pop-up messages using, “xmessage”
                0 11 27 6 * /echo/bin xmessage -file /path/message.txt

– To send cron job O/P as a mail to any specific user
                0 11 27 6 * /echo/bin xmessage -file /path/message.txt

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