how to use gzip and its examples

  • gzip command is used to compress or exapand files on the Linux/UNIX systems.
  • It comes from “gzip-1.3.12” package, below we have covered almost all the gzip options


1. To compress any file

$ gzip file

2. To decompress a file

$ gzip -d file.gz
$ gzip –decompress file.gz
$ gzip –uncompress file.gz

 3. To see the compressed file content

$ gzip -c file.gz
$ gzip –stdout file.gz
$ gzip –to-stdout file.gz

 4. To forcefully compress/decompress any file

$ gzip -f file
$ gzip –force file
$ gzip -d -f file.gz
$ gzip -d –force file.gz

 5. To not to save the original file name

$ gzip -n file
$ gzip –no-name file

6. To save the original file name and time stamp

$ gzip -N file
$ gzip –no-name file

7. To suppress all warnings

$ gzip -q file
$ gzip –quiet file

8. To zip the files recursively

$ gzip -r /tmp
$ gzip –recursive /tmp

9. To specify your own suffix instead of .gz

$ gzip -S .cz file
$ gzip –suffix .cz file

10. To test the integrity of files

$ gzip -t file.gz
$ gzip –test file.gz

11. To specify the speed for compression

$ gzip -1 file
$ gzip –fast file
$ gzip -9 file
$ gzip –best file

12. To display the gzip license info

$ gzip -L
$ gzip –license

13. To get the version info

$ gzip -v
$ gzip –version

14. To list the help

$ gzip -h
$ gzip –help

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