how to use gunzip command with its examples

  • It is a command used to unzip the files which are zipped/compressed using gzip utility.
  • It comes from “gzip-1.3.12” package.
  • Path: /bin/gunzip


1. To unzip any compressed file

$ gunzip file.gz

2. To get the License information

$ gunzip -L
$ gunzip –license

3. To test the zipped files integrity

$ gunzip -t file.gz
$ gunzip –test file.gz

4. To list the compressed files information

$ gunzip -l file.gz
$ gunzip –list file.gz

5. To save the original name or server time stamp

$ gunzip -N file.gz
$ gunzip –name file.gz

6. To operate in verbose mode

$ gunzip -v file.gz
$ gunzip –verbose file.gz

To get the version info

$ gunzip -V
$ gunzip –version

To get the better decompression

$ gunzip -9 file.gz
$ gunzip –best file.gz

To get the faster decompression

$ gunzip -1 file.gz
$ gunzip –faster file.gz

To read zipped file contents

$ gunzip -c file.gz


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