yum command examples

– Yum is a very useful, front end command for the package management in the Red Hat Linux versions.

– Yum is so simplified that its commands are like plain English like install, update, remove, re-install etc.

– So having knowledge of every aspect of the yum command is very helpful.

1. To Install

– To install any package on the Linux system, we can fire the yum install and the package name.

               # yum install package1.rpm

               # yum install package1.rpm package2.rpm package3.rpm package4.rpm

– Yum utility generally ask for the confirmation for package installation, if you want to specify it in the command itself then fire below command

               # yum install package1.rpm -y

2. To Search

– To search for any package on the RPM repository (it can be RHN, Cent OS repository etc.)

               # yum search package1.rpm

               # yum search package1 package2

               # yum search all

3. To Update

– To update any existing package on the system fire below update command

               # yum update package1.rpm

               # yum update package1.rpm package2.rpm

               # yum update package1.rpm -y

4. To remove/uninstall

 – To remove any existing package from the system

               # yum remove package1.rpm

               # yum remove package1.rpm package2.rpm

               # yum remove package1.rpm -y

5. To update

– To update the entire system for the available updates from Vendor repository

               # yum check-update                              # yum update

               # yum update –y                                    # yum update yum

6. Get info

– To get the information about any package

               # yum info yum

               # yum info vsftpd

7. To see the lists

– To list packages we can fire below commands

               # yum list all                               # yum list available

               # yum list installed                      # yum list extras

               # yum list updates                       # yum list obsoletes

               # yum list recent                          # yum list | less

               # yum list pkgspec

8. To clean

– To clean the downloaded packages or metadata or information cached by yum utility.

               # yum clean package1.rpm          # yum clean metadata

               # yum clean expire-cache             # yum clean rpmdb

               # yum clean plugins                       # yum clean all

9. To see what provides

– To see what service/file is provided by which package

               # yum provides vsftpd

               # yum provides yum

               # yum whatprovides vsftpd

               # yum whatprovides /etc/passwd

10. For groups

– The packages are grouped into Group List, like DNS, Desktop, Web Server etc. So to view/install/update the packages from grouplist fire below command.

               # yum grouplist

               # yum groupinstall “DNS Name Server”

               # yum groupinstall “DNS Name Server” “Graphical Internet”

               # yum groupupdate “DNS Name Server”

               # yum groupremove “DNS Name Server”

               # yum groupremove “DNS Name Server” “Graphical Internet”

11. Get info about group

– To get the information about the package groups.

               # yum groupinfo “Graphical Internet”

               # yum groupinfo “Graphical Internet” “DNS Name Server”

12. Resolvedep

–  To specify to resolve the dependencies if any while installing or update the packages.

               # yum resolvedep vsftpd

13. To download only

– To just download the packages on the system we can fire below commands.

               # yum install yum-downloadonly

               # yum install vsftpd –downloadonly

               # yum update vsftpd –downloadonly

               # yum update –downloadonly –downloaddir=/tmp

14. To locally install

– To install the downloaded packages from any local directory.

               # yum localinstall package1.rpm 

               # yum localinstall package1.rpm package2.rpm

               # yum localupdate package1.rpm

               # yum localupdate package1.rpm package2.rpm

15. Reinstall

–  To re-install any package, i.e. to unistall and then install it again.

               # yum reinstall vsftpd

16. Downgrade

– To downgrade any package to the previous version.

               # yum downgrade vsftpd

               # yum downgrade vsftpd bash

17. To see dependency list

– To see any dependencies for the specified package.

               # yum deplist vsftpd

               # yum deplist vsftpd bash

18. Version

– To see the version information about any package.

               # yum version all                              # yum version installed

               # yum version available                  # yum version group

               # yum version grouplist

19. History

– This allows the user to view what has happened in past transactions.

               # yum history                                  # yum history info

               # yum history list                            # yum history summary

               # yum history redo                        # yum history undo

               # yum history new

One thought on “yum command examples

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    Thanks and Regards

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