- About lvs : To report information about logical volumes
- It comes from “lvm2-2.02.72” package.
- Configuration Files:
- Path: /sbin/lvs
1. To report logical volume info
$ lvs |
2. To report all logical volume
$ lvs –all |
3. To Use with –separator to align the output columns
$ lvs –aligned |
4. To Add an “LVM2_” prefix plus the field name to the output
$ lvs –nameprefixes |
5. To Suppress the headings line that is normally the first line of output.
$ lvs –noheadings |
6. To suppress the suffix on output sizes
$ lvs –nosuffix |
7. To comma-separated ordered list of columns
$ lvc -o $ lvc –options |
8. To use default columns that emphasize segment information
$ lvs –segments |
To comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by
$ lvs -O $ lvs –sort |
To output columns as rows
$ lvs –rows |
To string to use to separate each column
$ lvs –separator Separator |
To produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the columns properly
$ lvs –unbuffered |
To all sizes are output in these units
$ lvs –units hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE |
To when used with –nameprefixes, output values in the field=value pairs are not quoted
$ lvs –unquoted |
Related Commands: lvm, lvdisplay, pvs, vgs