join command with its examples

  • About join : Join lines of two files on a common field
  • It comes from “coreutils-8.4” package.

 – Path: /usr/bin/join


1. To join and show the common lines from given input files

$ join file1.txt file2.txt

2. To print the unpairable lines from specified file

$ join -a 1
$ join -a 2 

3. To replace the missing fields with empty

$ join -e EMPTY

4. To ignore the case difference when comparing

$ join -i file1.txt file2.txt
$ join –ignore-case file1.txt file2.txt

5. To obey format while constructing output

$ join -o FORMAT file1.txt file2.txt

6. To use the CHAR as input and output field separator

$ join -r CHAR file1.txt file2.txt

7. To print unpairable and suppress joined

$ join -v 1 file1.txt file2.txt

8. To check the input is sorted

$ join –check-order file1.txt file2.txt

9. To not to check the input is sorted

$ join –nocheck-order file1.txt file2.txt

10. To display the help and exit

$ join –help

11. To get the version info

$ join –version

Related Commands: comm, uniq 

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