how to use repquota command and its examples

The repquota command is used to display the disk usage and quotas for a file system. Which is typically used to monitor disk usage and enforce disk quotas for users and groups.

  • About repquota: To summarize quotas for a filesystem
  • Comes From : quota-3.17
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/sbin/repquota


1. To report the quota 

$ repquota

 2. To report the quota for all the file system

$ repquota -a
$ repquota –all 

3. To set to verbose mode

$ repquota -v
$ repquota –verbose

 4. To report quota for a user

$ repquota -u mike
$ repquota –user mike 

5. To report quota for a group

$ repquota -g SUPPORT
$ repquota –group SUPPORT

 6. To print the output in human readable format

$ repquota -s
$ repquota –human-readable 

7. To truncate the names to 8 chars

$ repquota -t
$ repquota –truncate-names 

8. To print grace time in seconds since epoch

$ repquota -p
$ repquota –raw-grace

 9. To not to trqanslate the UID and GID to names

$ repquota -n
$ repquota –no-names

 10. To avoid the autofs mountpoints

$ repquota -i
$ repquota –no-autofs 

11. To translate big number of ids at once

$ repquota -c 
$ repquota –batch-translation 

12. To translate ids one by one

$ repquota -C
$ repquota –no-batch-translation 

13. To report information for specific format

$ repquota -F
$ repquota –format=formatname

 14. To get the help

$ repquota –help 

16. To get the version

$ repquota –version

 Related Commands: quota, quotactl, edquota, quotacheck, quotaon, quota_nld, setquota, warnquota 

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