quota command and its examples

This command is used to display the disk usage and quota limits for any user or any group on a file system. It is used in combination with other commands like quotacheck and/or edquota commands to manage quotas.

  • About quota: To display disk usage and limits
  • Comes From: quota-3.17
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /usr/bin/quota


1. To report the quota for current user

# quota
# quota -u mike (for mike)
# quota –user mike (for mike)
# quota mike (for mike)

2. To show the group quotas

# quota -g SUPPORT
# quota –group SUPPORT

3. To set to verbose mode

# quota -v
# quota –verbose

4. To see the output in human readable format

# quota -s
# quota –human-readable

5. To report time in seconds since epoch when his grace time runs out, in grace period

# quota -p
# quota –raw-grace

6. To ignore mountpoints mounted by automounter

# quota -i
# quota –no-autofs

7. To report quotas only on local filesystems

# quota -l
# quota –local-only

8. To specify the trailing slashes after the NFSv4 mountpoints

# quota -m
# quota –no-mixed-pathnames

9. To print a more terse message

# quota -q
# quota –quiet

10. To do not print error message if connection to rpc.rquotad is refused

# quota -Q
# quota –quiet-refuse

11. To do not wrap the line if the device name is too long

# quota -w
# quota –no-wrap

12. To get the help for quota

# quota –help

13. To get the version

# quota -V
# quota –version

Related Commands: quotactl, fstab, edquota, quotacheck, quotaon, quota_nld, repquota

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