pvs command and its examples

This command is used to display information about physical volumes. It gives a summary of the physical volumes, including their names, free spaces, sizes and other parameters.

  • About pvs: To report information about physical volumes
  • Comes From: lvm2-2.02.72-8.el6.i686
  • Configuration Files:
  • Path: /sbin/pvs


1. To display the PV info

# pvs

2. To see all the information

# pvs –all

3. To align the output

# pvs –alligned

4. To add an “LVM2_” prefix plus the field name to the output

# pvs –nameprefixes

5. To suppress the headings

# pvs –noheadings

6. To suppress the suffix on output sizes

# pvs –nosuffix

7. To comma-separated ordered list of columns

# pvs -o pvs –options

8. To produces one line of output for each contiguous allocation

# pvs –segments

9. To comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by

# pvs -O pvs –sort

10. To output columns as rows

# pvs –rows

11. To use the string to separate each column

# pvs –separator

12. To produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the columns properly

# pvs –unbuffered

13. To All sizes are output in these units

# pvs –units hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE

16. To get the help for

# pvs –help

17. To get the version

# pvs –version

18. To set to verbose mode

# pvs -v
# pvs –verbose

Related Commands: lvm, pvdisplay, lvs, vgs

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