poweroff command and its examples

With poweroff command we can shut down a system in an orderly manner. It starts the system shutdown process which initiates the process termination for all running processes and also unmounts file systems, and powers off the system.

It is used when you want to shut down the system and turn off the power. This is similar to the shutdown command with the -P option, which also powers off the system after shutting it down.

  • About poweroff: To reboot or stop the system
  • Comes From: upstart-0.6.5
  • Configuration Files: NA
  • Path: /sbin/poweroff


1. To shutdown the machine

# poweroff

2. To forcefully shutdown the machine

# poweroff -f
# poweroff –force

3. To instructs the halt command to instead behave as poweroff

# poweroff -p
# poweroff –poweroff

4. Do not shutdown but make an entry into wtmp file

# poweroff -w
# poweroff –wtmp-only

5. Set to the verbose mode

# poweroff –verbose

Related Commands: shutdown, telinit, runlevel

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