Linux Hardware Info Commands

– You will always come across in a situation whee you will need to know the underlying hardware like CPU, memory, NICs and other hardware.

– To know about the CPU
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
# lscpu

– To know about the memory
# cat /proc/meminfo

– To know about tyhe NICs
# lspci | grep Ether

– To know about the hardware platform
# dmidecode -t 1

– To know about the USB drives/ports
# lsusb

– To know about the BIOS
# dmidecode -t 0

– To know about the motherboard
# dmidecode -t 2

– To know about tyhe detected hardware
# dmesg

– To get the hard disk parameters
# hdparm

– To list all the SCSi devices attached
# lsscsi

– To list all the pcmcia devices
# lspcmcia

– To list HAL devices
# lshal

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